Friday 9 September 2011

Away for a while again...

Dear Friends,
I'm currently back in the City of Angels but will be away again...this is time I'll be on the other side of the continent. I'll be leaving Bangkok tomorrow morning and should be back before the end of the year, insyaAllah. Meanwhile, if you do have questions and need assistance in getting transportation or Muslim guide during your visit or holiday in Bangkok, don't hesitate to get in touch with me. InsyaAllah, I'll be able to arrange it for you, even I'm thousands of miles away.

Soon, I'll be featuring halal eateries and masjids in California...insyaAllah;)

Loads of love,


  1. Hi Lynn...
    nice to know ur helping me for living in Thailand.
    Thanks kha ^_^

  2. Have fun & take care,Lynn.


  3. Salamalaikum Lynn,

    I need your help on a problem i face.

    I plan to take 20 kids + another 20 parents to Bangkok for a football tournament. We plan to arrive on the 17th Nov 2011 and leave on the next Monday 21st Nov. The venue is Patana International School, Bangkok. The organizers have made up a list of nearby hotels and I found the Monmanee Hotel probably is the best bet. I do think food will be a problem though. All of us are muslims. Can you;
    1) suggest halal (good value for money) cafes near Monmanee Hotel. Or
    2) Nearby Muslim owned hotels so that we can have our meals at the hotel.

    Thanks a lot. JazakAllahukhairon Katheero

    KL, Malaysia.

  4. Wa'alaikumussalam wbt
    Dear Amin,
    Could you drop me an email at please?
