Friday 19 August 2011

Away for a while

Dear friends,
Kindly be informed that I'll be away for a while and if you do have any queries, kindly drop me an email at Pardon me as I may not be able to reply promptly as I may not have easy access to internet during my absence from the Land of Smiles. I will try to reply whenever possible, yeah.

Due to this, I'd like to take this precious opportunity to wish all Muslim brothers and sisters an advance blessed Eidul Fitri.



  1. Hi Lynn, have a happy holiday.....
    You look great in that pic.
    Have fun and keep a song in your heart.

  2. thnak you lynn for shaeing this about the migic food court they are useing same spoon with others its mean non halal been taken by that ..i asked for plastic spoon they provide me but one of friends says here even plates also mixed with others sooo....there is again prob :(
    shaz khan yousafzai

  3. Yeah, I'm aware of that as it happens at most of the food courts everywhere. We have to be smart and think of other alternatives and the problem can be solved. I always ask for take away where fork and spoon will be provided. At some places like MBK and Siam Paragon an extra Thb5 will be charged for take aways...but it's much better than using the shared utensils, right?
