Tuesday 12 October 2010

Notes of appreciation.

I received the following e-mail in my inbox a while ago:

salaam alaikum wbkt
dear ms lynn
my wife and i visited thailand recently and allhamdulillah your blog helped us alot. We stayed in the sukhumvit area in bangkok and visited krabi instead of phuket. Made the decision bcuz of the easy halal options since its predominantly muslim.. and affcourse your wonderfull blog. i dont think you actually know how much good you are doing for visitors looking for halal rest and advice... and how many blessings and heartfelt prayers going your way,,, you truly deserve it. may God shower his blessings on you and keep up the great blog.
PS we reside in dubai and might make another trip inshallah if you could tell me what is the best way to contact you while we are in bk if you carry a cell phone or which ever mode suits you best..

22 March 2010
Hi Lynn,

How was your weekend...did you go to hua hin for a short getaway?

Things went smoothly on my return trip, alhamdulillah. No disruption along the way and we reached the airport in less than 30mins.

Oh yeah, the murtabak stall was closed on that fri...and the end we got ourselves Ramli burgers...cost = 120 baht for 4 burgers with eggs...yummy..tasted just like the burgers back in msia and spore. We past Farida Fatornee (and caught a glimpse of the owner) and Mak yah restaurant... they are still open.

You've been a great help! My family enjoyed your company and hope your feel the same way too. And I want to apologize if my daughters misbehaved. Thanks for your hospitality.

Do you want the Levi's outlet photo and any other photos? Just let me know and i can forward them to you.



27 April 2011
Hi Lynn,

Thanks for sending the photos and the guide you have provided...I heard that they have a great time yesterday..

I wished I was there too...huhhh

Thank you very much and keep in touch ya!


30 June 2011
Hi Lynn.

We had a great time in Bangkok. Thanks to you for the help and the nice driver. I surely will recommend you to any of my family/friends.

Have a great day!



  1. Well said by Mr.Imran. I feel the same way.
    Your blog really helps a lot, Lynn..keep up the wonderful work u've been doing here :)

  2. Salam Lynn.

    Kami di bangkok, dari esok (29/1o) sampai Isnin. Duduk di hotel Chalina
