Monday 11 October 2010

Halal frozen food at MAKRO Bangkok

Recently I was at MAKRO on Narathiwat Ratchanakharin Road, near Sathorn and discovered the following halal frozen products available.

Click on map to enlarge.

Click on map to enlarge.


  1. thought we cannot take photos in makro.hehe how did u manage to snap these pics?:)

  2. Yeah, by right you can't but I always have my ways...he,he,he....for the benefit of others. Without photos it would be difficult to explain and inform other Muslims about the availability of products such as the ones featured above. What say you? Anyway, I'm also promoting their store indirectly, without any charges at all ;)

  3. hi kak lynn,
    halal groceries ni ade kt sume outlet makro in bangkok ke or juz in the place u mentioned?

  4. hi kak lynn,
    asma here.
    just wanna know is it all makro jual jual those halal groceries or just the makro u mentioned?
    fyi,i stay area bangna trat,there's a makro area srinakarin.never been there before.

  5. I'm sorry, I'm not sure as I've not been to other MAKRO outlets. You may have to check it out and let me know since it's near where you live. This outlet is not far from where I live.
