Tuesday 10 August 2010

Prayer timetable for Ramadhan 2010 in Bangkok, Thailand.

Dear beloved friends,
For your information, 1st Ramadhan 1431 (2010) in Thailand, falls on Thursday, 12th. August 2010. I'd like to take this precious opportunity to wish all Muslim brothers and sisters around the globe "salam Ramadhan al Mubarak".

Below is the prayer timetable throughout Ramadhan in Bangkok for our reference. Since this calendar was printed in advance, kindly change 1st Ramadhan from 11th to 12th August, and the rest accordingly, yeah.

Click on photo to enlarge.

Niat Puasa dan Qadha’ Puasa Ramadhan

1) Lafaz niat puasa fardhu Ramadhan :

نويت صوم غد عن أداء فرض شهررمضان هذه السنة لله تعالى .
Ertinya : Sahaja aku puasa esok hari menunaikan fardhu Ramadhan tahun ini kerana Allah Taala.

2) Lafaz niat puasa Qhada’ Ramadhan :

نويت صوم غد عن قضاء فرض رمضان لله تعالى .
Ertinya : Sahaja aku puasa esok hari kerana ganti fardhu Ramadhan kerana Allah Taala.

Doa ketika Berbuka Puasa

اللهم لك صمت وبك آمنت وعلى رزقك أفطرت برحمتك ياأرحم الراحمين.
Ertinya : Ya Tuhanku keranamu jua aku berpuasa dan denganmu aku beriman dan di atas rezekimu aku berbuka dengan belas kasihanmu Ya Allah yang amat mengasihani.

Ramadhan 1432 @ 2011 schedule can be found here.


  1. thankyou so much,we were going crazy trying to find out when ramadan started here!

  2. Hello! im a muslim foreigner currently in Bangkok and desperate to confirm whether the 1st of Ramadhan is on the 11th or 12th of August. Please reply as soon as possible. Thank you.

  3. Dear Naina, it was announced on National Thai TV yesterday that 1st Ramadhan falls on 12th August 2010.

  4. Lynn, thank you so much for confirming. As anonymous said, even me and my mom were going crazy trying to find out when Ramadan starts. Thanks to Google to pointing me towards your blog and to you hehe! =D

  5. It's my pleasure, Naina. It's lovely meeting you here, too. If you do need any info while in Bangkok, don't hesitate to drop me a line at zlynn17@gmail.com, yeah.

  6. salaam, i am going to be in phuket in a few days time, does anyone know where the mosques are. i will really be needing one for eid.

    or do they pray in the open, and do women go to the mosques for eid prayers

    i will be staying near kamala in phuket.
    help willl be greatly appreciated
