Wednesday 28 April 2010

Creamy Panna Cotta

This 'must try' dessert is very easy to prepare and yet very delicious indeed!
2 cups fresh milk
1 tbs halal gelatine
3 tbs hot water
3 tbs sugar (adjust according to your preference)
1 ripe mango (cut 1 slice into small squares and puree the rest)

1. Dissolve gelatine in hot water and set aside.
2.In a saucepan stir sugar and milk on medium heat.
3.Keep on stirring till bubbles are formed at the edges.
4.Remove from heat and add gelatine mixture.
5.Stir well and pour the cream into glasses or ramekins of your choice.
6.Add in the cut mangoes. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours.
7. At the end of the 4th hour, complete it by topping with the puree and continue to refrigerate.

Serves 2

# You can replace the mango with any fruit toppings of your choice.

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