Wednesday 22 June 2011

Thousand apologies - Khorthot na kha

Dear friends,
I'd like to apologise for not being able to respond to your queries for the past 1 month as I had no internet access at my new home. I could only reply emails via my mobile but unable to respond to your queries via the comment box. Alhamdulillah, finally the wifi is activated and I'm back again;)


  1. Dear Mbak Lynn,

    Salam kenal, saya ekap.. Saya baru tinggal di BKK sejak April 2011 untuk kerja + kuliah.. Blog nya sangaaat membantu sekali.. terutama mencari makanan halal di sekitar sukhumvit.. Stok makanan dari JKT udah habis, jadi saya harus survive skrng nyari makanan.. (saya ga bisa masak soale). heheh.. Btw, thanks a bunch... It means alot.. Allah blez u..

  2. hi. i'm iswandy
    i want ur opinion. where the best area to stay in bangkok. SIAM or SILOM? it's easy to find halal food? and palace to visit..


  3. Hi Iswandy,
    Will you be here on a short stay(holiday) or long stay?
    I would personally prefer SIAM area. Try 'Bangkok City Hotel', a very comfortable boutique-like hotel which is situated near the Ratchathewi BTS Station and across a Muslim community where many halal Thai restaurants are available besides the location of Masjid Darul Aman. All those who have stayed here never regretted at all as it's very conveniently located near halal eateries and shopping areas.

  4. Hmmm the more reason you should stay at Bangkok City Hotel. Check this out:
    This place located is just across the hotel.

  5. hi lynn.
    thnk for the info. i Will be there on a short stay on August (fasting month).


  6. pasar ramdhan at phetchaburi soi-7....hmmm i got it..

  7. Hi Mary here,

    I was trying to google bangkok City Hotel. Unfortunately, i cant find it anywhere. Can u help out?

    Thank you in advance

  8. Kindly visit:

  9. Hi Lynn, nice blog, and you in Thailand? Wow! Thats one country I love to visit again, one day.
    Have always loved the food, the people....
    and Loi krathong, and Ramvong, ha ha.
    Have a nice day and keep a song in your heart.

  10. thank god i found your blog. i'm going to ur city 20-23 july with my siblings for a holiday. i kept wondering if halal food will be a problem at bangkok. i got so much information from your blog. so many exciting places to go =)

    may Allah bless ur good deeds for creating this blog =)

  11. thank you so much.. i manage to fine a lot of halal food at petchaburi road.

  12. Hi Lynn,
    I'm in rattanatibeth and could not find any halal restaurant around here, is there any halal restaurant,maybe in central plaza?

  13. Mumtaz Restaurant is not far from Ratanathibet Road. Check it out at:

    Regent Hotel at Ngamwongwan Soi 9 is a Muslim owned hotel and you can dine there, to.
    Tel. (66-2) 952-5500

  14. Hi Lynn,
    Thanks for the info. It really is useful. Too bad it is not walking distance from where I stay - richmond hotel. Nonetheless, thank you very much. Will inform others on ur blog!

  15. You can take a cab to go to these two places. I had a client who stayed at the same hotel and dined at these two places almost throughout her stay there;) The restaurants do delivery too. You can call the numbers provided.
