Wednesday 7 October 2009

Mariyah Bakery

Mariyah Bakery is a small Muslim bakery situated adjacent to Masjid Suan Pluu, not far from Talat Pluu and Wong Wian Yai Railway station. Located along the railway track, about 500m from the railway station, it offers daily homemade bread, cakes and other sweetmeats . If you can find your way to the railway station, you can either walk or take the motorcycle taxi and head for the masjid. It's on the right side of the track just before the masjid.
Click on the map to enlarge.

Tuna buns and chocolate cookies

Cakes and buns

Chicken sausage buns

Mariyah Bakery
Soi Thoet Thai 9,
Thanon Thoet Thai,
10160 Bangkok,
Tel: 02-4664707

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