Thursday 14 May 2009

Thai language class at Piammitr Language School, Bangkok

October 2009
I started my Level 4, which is learning to read and write in Thai on 5th October 2009. On the first day, I was the only student until Johan came on the next day. This is his second time in Level 4 as he sat through Level 4 and half way through Level 5 last year. He decided to resit as he has forgotten most of the things he learnt ealier. Learning to read and write in Thai is very interesting yet challenging as there are many special cases where the rules are aborted. Many of the words have to be memorised as the spelling do not follow the regular rules. With my only Level 4 classmate, Johan from Sweden and our lovely teacher.
With Khruu Chanatna, who hails from Chiang Rai.

With Jong Suk, who's currently in Level 5. I'm one level behind as I took 2 months leave (Aug and September).
Doing homework at Crepes, 55th Thonglor.

May 2009 The condo shuttle takes me to and from the Thonburi BTS station everytime I need to take the BTS to town.

I go to school via BTS on Monday to Friday.

This is Trendy Plaza, on Sukhumvit Soi 13, where my school is.

It is situated on level 2.

Meta Cafe is just round the corner on the same level.

My first day in 'Book(Level) One' class.

Front from L-R: Lynn, Mi Young(Korean), Khruu Bongkot(teacher), Jong Suk(Korean).
Back from L-R: John(American), Rodney(Malaysian), Matt(Canadian).

Allan (American-Filipino) & Simon (German-Thai) are not in this picture as they joined us on the second day.

The class runs from 1-4pm on Monday thru Friday for 20 days per book/level. The complete course consists of 7 levels.

The 'Seua' (Simon & John)
The 'Sanuk' (Jong Suk & Lynn)

The 'Monggon' (Matt & Mi Young)
The 'Ki Maw' - Allan & Rodney

1 comment:

  1. I took two months of Thai at Piammitr a few years ago. Absolutely loved it. Excellent school, great teachers (I also had Kru Bongkot :))

    Nice blog by the way!
