Saturday 28 February 2009

Saturday outing on Pracha Uthit Road - Halal food in Bangkok

9.00 a.m.
It's Saturday again. Initially we wanted to have breakfast near Masjid Suan Plu but decided to try going to Pracha Uthit Road instead. Praca Uthit Road is connected to Suksawat Road, across River Chao Phraya via Rama IX Bridge. It's about 10km from our place. It's a long stretch of road and with many masjid on it.Our first finding was the 'Pai Hok Hok' or Go 66 restaurant.

It's named after the soi where it's located which is Soi Pracha Utit 66(Soi Rong Rian Muhamaddiyah) as shown below:

I had a delicious bowl of 'khao tom khai sai kai duai' chicken porridge with egg and 'cha dum yen' iced tea while Keiron had chicken porridge, chicken sandwich and 'cha ron' hot tea. Our breakfast cost THB 68 (RM6.80) only.

While having breakfast, we left our car to be washed at this place and since it was still not done when we finished our breakfast, we decided to go for 'nuat Thai', a session of Thai massage just across the road. The 'lang rot' car wash cost THB 80.

10.00-11.30 a.m.
We had a good and refreshing one and a half hour session of Thai massage at Sabai-Sabai. It was only THB 250 per person. We'll definitely visit this place again, soon.
11.45 a.m.
On the way back home, after the massage, I saw a Muslim restaurant selling roast duck. We decided to stop and try it out. Anyway, we were hungry again after the massage session.

This is Ibrahim Restaurant, specializes in Chinese cuisines. It serves duck, chicken and beef, with rice or noodles and not forgetting dim sum.

Yummy crispy, roast duck

Khun Ibrahim, the owner.

Pictures of food available

Chicken and shrimp din sum: THB 30 for 6 pieces.

Roast duck with steamed rice: THB 35

Roast duck soup: THB 35

We stopped by at Masjid Alistikhomah, at Soi Pracha Uthit 69, next to the Petronas petrol station near Siam Jusco, which is about 500m from Ibrahim Restaurant to perform Zuhur prayer.

1.15 p.m.
After prayers, we decided to walk to Arabika Coffee, a local chain coffee shop. I had a tall glass of iced cappucino while Keiron had a cup of hot cafe latte.
1.30 p.m.
We finally decided to go home but made a u-turn when I saw a market with lots of Muslim vendors. Next to the market are two rows of bazaar with a few Halal food outlets.

A halal cafe serving western dishes. We were too full to try the food here, We''ll definitely be back soon.

The menu on the wall.

Another bevarage kiosk.

Roast duck with rice or noodle stall.

He sells serunding.

Clockwise: dried fish crisp, dried fish crisp with sesame seed, deep fried soft shelled crab. I got a pack of the crispy crab for THB 25 only.
That was how we spent our Saturday morning and afternoon: food marathon, he,he,he.
Finally got home at 2.30 p.m. and later had a dip in the pool at 4.30 pm. It's now 7.15 p.m. and waiting for our cousin, Johan to come over. We'll be having dinner together but havent decided on where to take him. Most of the Muslim eateries close at 6p.m.


  1. Macam mana rasa itik ek? Ada orang ckp that true?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. No, it's not 'hanyir' at all dear. Its flesh is a bit tougher than chicken. Very delicious. Yesterday we went to another shop serving roasted duck on the same road. Sedap gile...the roasted duck served at Pakcik Mohammad's shop is better than Ibrahim's but the deco and ambience at Ibrahim's are better. You can choose to go either for food or shop deco...he,he,he. Price wise is almost the same.
