Saturday 17 January 2009

Halal food in Kanchanaburi, Thailand

This Muslim restaurant is situated on the main road of Kanchanaburi town. Coming from the town centre, it's located next to the Mistshubishi showroom, in between the war cemeteries and the junction to Bridge of River Kwai.

They even have the menu in Malay as many tourists from Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore stop by to have their meals when they are in town. There is also a small 'solat' room at the back of the restaurant.

As always, I ordered 'tom yum goong'.

Clockwise: Stir fried beef with basil leaves(phad kaprao bhai neua), deep fried fish with chili sauce (pla thod bhai prik) and ox tail soup(sup hung)
Dont forget to say mai phed if you dont like it spicy, like me.

We found another Muslim kiosk called 'Shah Kebab & Pizza'. From the main road, turn left at the junction going towards the Bridge of River Kwai. Go along the road for about 1.5km and you'll see the kiosk on your right.

Mr. Ahmad, the owner and chef hails from Turkey. He offers shrimp pizza, chicken kebab and turkish ice cream only.

Mr. Ahmad places the pizza in his custom made oven which uses firewood instead of electricity.

Delicious shrimp pizza costs 150 baht. It tastes so good that we'll definitely go back for it if we do go to Kanchanaburi again.

This Turkish ice cream is specially brought it from Turkey. It costs 40baht per scoop.


  1. 1st pic...Dawood-Cha Restaurant?

  2. Thanks for the translation as I'm unable to read the Thai script. You are Safina's friend, rite. Thanks for dropping by.

  3. Hi Lynn,

    Yes I am. Sorry for the late reply. I can still read some of ingspait although I left the place 4 years ago.

  4. Sawatdiikhap and Assalamualaikum Lynn,

    Very interesting and useful especially when we are going to ride to the northern and western part of Thailand from 16-Oct-10 to 29-10-10.


    I copy some pictures from your blog for reference in our Group Facebook "VOG Mission to Ciang Mai". Yr permission pls.

  5. Thanks Lynn, we found the "Dawood-Cha" restaurant. We had dinner on 25/10/2010 and breakfast the following day. The food is thumb up!


  6. Hi Lyn,

    Thanks for all the halal recommendation in ur blog, will be very useful for my family wen we arrive in Bangkok tomorrow.

    Kanchanaburi is this part of Bangkok?

  7. It's my pleasure.
    The pizza place is no longer available but the restaurant is still in business.
    Kanchanaburi is another province and about two hours' drive from Bangkok City Centre.
