Monday 17 November 2008

Aladin Sushi & Cafe : Halal Japanese Eatery in Bangkok

Alhamdulillah we are back on the land of smiles...usually or let's say most of the time I'd be the first in the queue of passengers going on board but yesterday...huh...we left the house late and by the time we reached the airport we were the last to check in...on the dot...45 minutes before departure. After checking in, we decided to have a drink at McD. After the drink we practically strolled towards the departure hall and departure gate only to find out that all the other passengers had gone on board. We were the only couple left!!!! We almost missed the plane as the minute we sat down, right at the back next to the loo, the doors were armed and it took off shortly after that...phew...what a day!

It was raining when we landed...since our friend could not pick us up from the airport, we decided to take a cab to our favourite Japanese Restaurant, Aladin Sushi & Cafe at Soi Suan Mani, off Pracha Utit Road, Huay Kwang. It was raining very heavily and we finally reached the restaurant at 7,00pm. Both of us were starving as the last meal we had was at 12.30pm

A green pot of refreshing hot green tea tastes extremely good on rainy days...
My favourite dish:unagi

Keiron chooses to have beef steak...the stir fried vege is lovely.
We also had miso soup and a plate of mixed mushrooms.
Prayer room is also available here.
After dinner, we took a cab back home and ....finally...home sweet home!!!

Aladin Sushi & Cafe
Pracha Uthit Soi 23 (Soi Suan Mani),
off Pracha Uthit Road, Huay Kwang.
Tel: 02 274 3808 9
Opening hours: 1100hrs-2200hrs
Closes on Monday.

1 comment:

  1. JazakAllahu khair and thanks so much sis for your beneficial page :)
