Sunday 12 October 2008

Korean bbq at Sakhol's place

In Bangkok, Hari Raya Aidil Fitri is celebrated on the 1st day only unlike in Malaysia where open houses are organised throughout the 30 days of Shawal. We are very thankful to Sakhol, Keiron's Thai colleague who decided to invite his Muslim colleagues to his house for a Korean bbq lunch. Well actually he was 'forced' to organise it...he,he,he. Anyway, thank you very much Sakhol for having us and we had a wonderful time sharing stories, exchanging experiences and most of all, a great lunch. My gratitude also to Juwairiah fot the 'nam dtun peep' and banana leaves which I took home with me. The lovely and energetic hosts: Juwairiah & Sakhol

A tent is pitched specially for this occassion.

Sakhol shows the technique of barbequing, the right way.

Sakhol explains the process of preparing the meat to Khalid and Zailani.

Delicious, tender beef being grilled on charcoal burner.

2 in 1:the vegetables are soaked in soup at the side of the pan
while the meat is being grilled in the middle.

Frying quail eggs in a special mould tray on the charcoal burner.

The two lovely ladies in charge of preparing the 'som tum': Haneefa & Lynn

The expert pounding chillies and garlic, which is the first step in preparing 'Som Tum'.
Hey maybe I can start a 'Som Tum' stall back in Shah Alam!!!

All the ingredients are mixed using the mortar & pestle.

The outcome. Hmmmm...aroi mak mak!!!

The hosts with the guests:
Back from left: Keiron, Khalid, Abbas, Sakhol's dad in-law, Din, Sakhol & Juwairiah.
Front: Lynn, Haneefa (Din's gf), Mubina(Abbas' gf) & Sakhol's mom in-law.
Hey...what happened to Zailani???....oh pai hong nam
From left: Haneefa, Juwairiah's mom, Juwairiah, me & Mubina.