Thursday 11 September 2008

Menu for today's Iftar

Fish Asam Pedas

Kerabu Pegaga

A bunch of pegaga, chopped
2 shallots, sliced
2 cherry tomatoes, sliced
1 Thai chilly, julienned; add more if prefer spicy
1 red chilly
4 tbsp dried shrimp, soaked in water
1 tsp sugar
a dash of fish sauce
salt to taste
1 tbsp lime juice
Drain the soaked shrimp and pound it with the red chilly. Cook in microwave oven on high for 1-2 minutes. Put aside.
Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Add half of the cooked dried shrimp and toss in the bowl. Scoop the dish onto a plate and garnish with the remaining cooked dried shrimp.

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