Sunday 31 August 2008

Merdeka countdown celebration in Bangkok-30.08.08

Although we are far away up north, we still had the chance to be together with other Malaysians living here for the countdown to Merdeka...31.08.08. It was a brilliant idea for the Malaysian Embassy and the Kelab Malaysia of Thailand to hold this kind of get together of Malaysians of all races living in Thailand, particularly in Bangkok. We reached the embassy at about 8pm and the hall was already almost filled up. There were 12 tables of ten and judging from crowd the number of guests was about 150 as there were a number of people standing without seats.

8.05pm...still early but the seats are almost filled up.

Nasi kerabu corner

From left: Keiron, Col. Dzahir(Defense Attache) & Col. Zamrude

Arun(Bernama) with his wife, Lathi and little boy.

Me and Bobby, President of Kelab Malaysia, Thailand

Me and Razianna

Singing patriotic songs while waiting for countdown to begin.

Malaysian children in Bangkok pose for Bernama.



Me and Mdm Juliana (Col. Dzahir's wife)

Me and Razianna pose before leaving the embassy multi-purpose hall.

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