Friday 22 August 2008

Halal food in Cha Am, Thailand

Muslim restaurant in the middle of the little town of Cha Am, heading towards the sea.

Mussels and cockles being sold at a night market in Cha Am. You can get the vendor toboil the seafood for you at no charge at all.

There are many Muslim vendors selling all sorts of food stuffs at the night market. This auntie sells khao tom khai, chicken porridge. which costs 15baht per bowl.

Haneefa and her son, Muhammad buying chicken balls and nuggets.


  1. Macam kat pasar malam in Malaysia je ye..

  2. Oh yes...the difference is that there are not as many Muslim vendors as in Malaysia...but I'm thankful that I still get to buy something which is Halal.

  3. Salam, Lynn....are all the muslim stall in Cha-Am located along Naratip Road heading to the beach. I had surf through your blog and found many useful tips for halal foods in Thailand. May Allah S.W.T bless u..

