Friday, 29 July 2011

Ramadhan Prayer Schedule in Bangkok-2011

1st Ramadhan 1432 in Thailand falls on 1st August 2011(Monday).

Column 1: dates in month of August
Column 2: dates in month of Ramadhan
Column 3: Maghrib
Column 4: Isya'
Column 5: Subuh
Column 6: Syuru'
Column 7: Zuhri
Column 8: Asri
Double click on photo to enlarge

Niat Puasa dan Qadha’ Puasa Ramadhan

1) Lafaz niat puasa fardhu Ramadhan :

نويت صوم غد عن أداء فرض شهررمضان هذه السنة لله تعالى .
Ertinya : Sahaja aku puasa esok hari menunaikan fardhu Ramadhan tahun ini kerana Allah Taala.

2) Lafaz niat puasa Qhada’ Ramadhan :

نويت صوم غد عن قضاء فرض رمضان لله تعالى .
Ertinya : Sahaja aku puasa esok hari kerana ganti fardhu Ramadhan kerana Allah Taala.

3) Doa ketika Berbuka Puasa

اللهم لك صمت وبك آمنت وعلى رزقك أفطرت برحمتك ياأرحم الراحمين.
Ertinya : Ya Tuhanku keranamu jua aku berpuasa dan denganmu aku beriman dan di atas rezekimu aku berbuka dengan belas kasihanmu Ya Allah yang amat mengasihani.

Halal food stalls @ the Outlet Grand Sale in Bangkok

T0 all halal food lovers in Bangkok, here's the chance for you to get halal cooked food in town. You can get deep fried bird, Isaan cocktail, fried noodles, glutinous rice and other desserts, dumplings, popiah etc all at one place. Rush to the National Stadium (National Stadium BTS Station & next to MBK Centre) now before it's too late. At the same time you can shop at the Factory Outlet Grand Sale, too.

Look for this tent and the halal delicacies are here as there are many halal vendors. Look out for the halal signs, yeah;)

The Fair started on 22nd July and will end on 31st July 2011(Sunday).
Opens from 10am-10pm.
Take the train and alight at National Stadium BTS Station. You can see the tents from the station.